[quote="Short Hand":1690f][quote=MrLevinstein]
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "Short Hand":1690f
im from that great nation yes. Death to the new conservative party. Death to that slander b00n Steven Harper.
ANY party would be better than Martin's over spending our tax money on themselves liberals.
Short hand if you know so much about government and are the l33t educated canuck why dont you go to college, take up politcal science and run for office? What does your bitching do? Thats the problem I have with people they are soo acoustomed to whining and bitching that they forgot that they can make a differance with enough determination. So quit your fucking moaning, you sound like a whore[/quote:1690f]
1. Steven Harper would go ultra virus and privatize our public facilitys such as Education, Prison, Hydro/Power
2. He is to Pro American. Not Canadian. He is going to run a slander campeign not concentrating on any real issue'sm, only that Martin had some money slip threw the cracks.
3. I would love to see the NDP win it, but they won't. They have been seen lately by Canadians as to Left Winged.
To Levinstein.
. Honestly any one else could have said that and you wouldn't have given two rats asses. Your just trying to get a fucking pathetic shot in at me, in the wrong place, with a stupid arguement. Im sorry if where you come from if it is a crime to voice ones own political views. But Im going to voice them rock:
PS. Stfu no one cares.
Ohh.. I forgot.
Commence flamming of my Grammar Now.[/quote:1690f]
Youre still a whiney little shit.