Ok i am not that big a retard that i didnt find the HUGE crack in the wall but after going through the entire building i can find nowhere to go. I have gone through both floors, blown up the communications equip, and shot all the people out the window. but i cannot finnish the lvl! i am about to quit playing this game forever. please i really want to finish it.
DOH JIMBOB you in Cola SC too? Is this the map where you have to get the info on the new tank? What crack in the wall? I never saw that I think. Once you destroy the radio and your objectives are complete go out the back of the house and turn right, theres a gate in the fence with a guardshack next to it. Down that road you go to get your ride to the next map. Its not quite that easy tho of course....
to anyone else who might run into this problem with the invisible wall blocking you from the elevator in 5.2 then the only way to fix the problem is to go back to the lvl before that one and beat it to reach the lvl again. starting over does not work. thanx to everyone who tried to help. ended up just being a software problem. ha