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02-13-2002, 03:15 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shoegaze99:
Hey moderators ...
... of all the threads you throw into the off-topic forum, you leave *this* one here?
This thread is hopelessly off-topic. You guys are usually better than this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
lol......I just noticed this thread couple minutes ago!
Moved to Off-Topic forum
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02-13-2002, 04:23 AM
The swastika was an anti-Jewish symbol before Hitler chose it as the symbol for the Nazi party. It was actually a 3,000 year old religious symbol used originally to represent the sun god. See
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02-13-2002, 04:25 AM
Some people have mentioned the idea that God created good and bad, that the Bible can’t be trusted, because it contradicts itself, and changed over the years, etc. These are common misconceptions that can be cleared up by looking at the facts.
First let me say that I don’t think anyone should put stock in the Bible or anything else without being convinced of the facts. I wouldn’t. I would expect that any book claiming to be from the creator of the universe would at least be accurate, harmonious, and beneficial. If you see apparent contradictions, then investigate them.
However, many people have their own agenda, which includes trying to discredit the Bible, and/or God. Why? Well, think about it. And look at some of the above posts. Most people want to do whatever pleases them, not what pleases God or anyone else. Physical pleasure comes first. But this doesn’t agree with the Bible. Well, if you don’t want to have to change your life to agree with God’s teachings in the Bible, all you have to do is convince yourself that either the Bible or God need not be listened to or trusted. The human mind has an incredible ability to believe what it wants. There were people on the Titanic who chose to believe it wasn’t sinking, so they drowned needlessly.
Anyone can make a statement that the Bible contradicts itself, or has changed, etc. That’s easy. But where is the proof? It seems like most of these people haven’t even read the Bible or done the research. They just quote critics. I have done much research into the subject, and have been amazed to find that any such argument that someone has put forward has been disproved.
It is true that people have distorted what the Bible says to suit their own desires and to sell their religion to the masses. In fact, it was kept in Latin for a long time so common people couldn’t read it. Why? Because the Bible would contradict what the religious leaders were saying. That’s because the Bible had not been changed. Even today many religious leaders, from religions based on the Bible, say you don’t have to listen to the Bible. Because they want you to listen to them instead. But the Bible still hasn’t changed. Look at any translation, they say the same thing with different words.
It is funny that the argument was made that the Bible has changed over the years, purposely so in the Middle Ages, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were mentioned. Funny because the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, were much older than the Middle Ages, some from before Christ, yet when compared to scrolls from the Middle Ages and later, they were found to be almost identical word for word, proving they had not significantly changed. Did you know that for centuries there were copyists who’s job was to copy the scrolls, word for word, with no mistakes. If even 1 little mistake was made, the entire copy had to be destroyed. So they took it very seriously and carefullly. The result is that in the year 2002 we have around 6,000 ancient handwritten copies, from different centuries, of all or part of the Hebrew Scriptures, and 5,000 of the Greek, to compare, and they all agree.
Consider the facts that the Bible is actually a collection of 66 books written in 3 different languages over a period of 1,600 years by 40 men of different occupations, including kings, generals, doctors, shepherds, and fishermen. Just try getting 40 men of the same language, religion, and profession to each write a book in the same year that agrees with the others. You will get all different opinions, contradictions, inaccuracies. Yet amazingly this is not true of the Bible.
Take another example: the 2 different genealogies of Jesus. This is an old standard that people fall back on to “prove” you can dismiss the Bible. The simple answer is that one is his mother’s genealogy, the other his legal father’s genealogy. Matthew traced Jesus legal lineage through Jesus’ legal father Joseph, from David’s son Solomon. (Matthew 1:6) Luke traced Jesus’ natural lineage through his mother Mary, from David’s son Nathan. (Luke 3:31) So Joseph was the son (in law) of Heli. It is significant that the Jews at the time, who disputed everything they could about Jesus, never disputed those genealogies. The public records were there for anyone to check.
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02-13-2002, 06:03 AM
This forum is bringing out all the freaks, gun nuts posting pictures of semi automatic rifles and now Christian fundamentalist trying to convert the young and vulnerable!
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02-13-2002, 07:38 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Refresh_Deamon:
Christians suck arse...
How could they toss on about one guy dying for our "Sins" when 4 million people died for our sins in world war 2.
Count em 4 MILLION...
and don't give me that "oh but he's the son of god crap" You christians said "we were all
sons of god"
So don't change the story ya bunch of Hypocrates...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I really dislike what you said there buddy and I dont like your attitude one bit. I'm Christian, Lutheran to be exact, now I dont go preaching my views to all those that dont believe in God/Jesus or whatever, thats their choice, and quite frankly, I dont give a fuck if you believe or not. But your argument there was pretty shit to be exact. Think it out without having to shit on a persons particular belief then have another go.
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02-13-2002, 07:39 AM
awesome post Albert!
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02-13-2002, 08:23 AM
Actually Albert, there has been extensive study outside of the "church" from independant researchers that don't just take the word in the bible as truth -- they look to find corraborating data, which is truthfully very hard considering all those that have been in power have always sought to destroy those accounts that differ from theirs... (including our 'turn the other cheek' christians) I say look past the bible, there is NOTHING outside of it that backs it up. However, if you look at contemporary writers of the time of jesus (i will not call him the christ because if you would do research you'd find there were many at that time calling themselves christs) such as Hermes Trigmosdus and Josephus, you'll see alot of the 'HARD FACTS' of the bible are not told of elsewhere. Hmmmm, sorry.
How do you research the bible outside of the bible? From other sources. Too bad no other source backs it up. About the dead sea scrolls, read them again. Heard of the Gospel of Thomas? Or of Mary? Guess not, or you'd know that the dead sea scrolls do NOT agree with the NT. Nope. They more coincide with another work called the Gnostic Gospels that was also kept out of the 'mainstream' of the religious pulse of the ages, and thusly wasn't edited into the fictional crap we read today... Heard of the Gnostics? They were the followers of the true word of jesus, not the fanatical literalists that would hunt them to near descructions in the 300s, and later again in the 1100s (heard of the Cathars?)
Sorry you guys, it sounds like all you can do is spew what you learned at church. Dig deeper and research. Trust me, it's out there, if you are honest with yourself and want to find it.
By the way, I will happily provide research books and other materials to those that would like to look more into things and see the real truth behind religion. it's not to disprove those that would blindly follow crap, it's to show the real message behind things.
One final thing. God DID create evil... he created everything right? Yep. or if you want to concede that he didn't that's cool too. He created Man, Adam, and even good ol' Lucifer, and he created all of the feelings, wants, desires, everything. Sorry pal, either he created EVERYTHING, or he didn't. he didn't just create the good things, and 'someone else' created the bad. You sound silly.
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02-13-2002, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:
Which is also why I really think the German government should take alook at it's policies.
erm,please give me a little help...what's wrong with the policies of germany?
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02-13-2002, 08:38 AM
How about we all just let people who want to believe do just that, and those that dont want to believe that exact thing aswell. I really dont care about the specifics of my faith right now, I learned enough at high school. All I know is that I believe in God, and thats all that matters to me. Debate if you must, but your not going to change the point of view of a Christian just because of some facts you dug up. Yes relgion has been the cause of too many wars, and I dont think for 1 second God wants ANY of us to die in his name. It's just that some extremists/zealots, no matter what religion they follow choose to take their beliefs too far and as far as I'm concerned, thats wrong, and not what Christianity is about.
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02-13-2002, 08:41 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:
Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:
Which is also why I really think the German government should take alook at it's policies.
erm,please give me a little help...what's wrong with the policies of germany?
Concerning it's overuse of cencorship. Is it true that blood in games is taken out so it can be sold there ?? Because I've seen quite a few "blood patches" for various games for German releases.
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02-13-2002, 08:44 AM
Flammenwerfer, do something with that sig. Shrink it down a little, the damn things a mile to wide!!
And to Apollo,
"Heh, ok... Ordinary, eh? You're ordinary aren't you? Then lets see you lead a perfect life. Lets see you rise people from the dead, heal leapers, make blind see, make lame walk, and save many, many, MANY people from the depths of Hell."
To people of the Jewish and Islamic faith, Jesus was a great prophet, not the son of god who did all of these amazing miracles. Don't slam other peoples beliefs just because they don't jive with yours. Religious intolerance is a sin in any religion, and not really an example of love thy neighbour!
Well said BW....never piss off a wookie, just smile politely, nod and back away verrrrry RUN!!!!!!!!
August 19, 1942
[This message has been edited by Mosquito (edited February 13, 2002).]
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02-13-2002, 08:47 AM
If I am not mistaken the bible is the only Holy book that has not been proven wrong. The latest prohpesy that was fufilled was Israel becoming a nation.
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02-13-2002, 08:59 AM
ccgr: you really don't want me to start showing all of the problems with the current edition of the bible do you? (I say current edition because it has been re-edited to jive with history and stay correct).
If the koran or torah had been rewritten over the ages like the bible had, i'm sure their apologists would have made it as error free as possible. But then again, they only see jesus as a prophet of god, which the bible and it's stories cannot disprove.
and I would also think that any current geologist would care to differ with the bible's view of how, and when, the earth and all of its creatures were created. facts-wise, there is a whole world of evidence pointing towards evolution. what's the bible have? just the bible. that's like saying, "this is true because it says it is true"...
and i'm not trying to sway anyone to anti-christianity. bottom line on that spin of religion is that it imposes morals on those that truly follow it, and that's good for the rest of us in the world, as long as they don't go nuts and call another inquisition or crusade. Face it, jesus and christians are just another religion. not even as big as some of those in the far east.
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02-13-2002, 09:01 AM
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02-13-2002, 09:04 AM
I agree that there are many different bible translations and renditions. Some have passages edited some even removed. But the message is still pretty much the same. It's written by the hand of man but inspired by God. He said his word will be preserved and it's still here today.
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