LMFAO....I was on last night and me and this guy named Ober...well his real name is like a page long some German thing so I call him Ober. They kept on saying that we were cheaters and that we were running hacks.
Now this was stupid at first but being the smartass I am I decided to string these poor guys along. I told them that we are running the Llama Hack 1.0 and that we came from CS where Ober made the OGC and the HL hacks. I told them that we are now going to take over MOHAA with out Llama hack 1.0 and there is nothing they can do about it. I also told them that Ober made the hack in Notepad and that we can adjust it from 1 to 11 in difficulty.
All the while they belived me, and said there is no way we could be that good with out cheats. I told them that they are making me mad and I am turning my Llama Hack 1.0 all the way up to 8 now as I had it on 4.
People...try this on for size....someone kills you and shows allot of skill by taking on multiple players and killing all of them by himself as....a good player. "hey man nice job!" that is a little better than "Fucking cheater!" That crap got old in CS and I got sick of being banned off servers because I have a brain and skills...no cheats.
There is lag, bad fps, and there are NO CHEATS! Tell people nice shot once in a while....there are people who are better than you and they deserve your respect not your accusations.
"Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch