you make um in fruity. audition is unbeatable for creating the it. putting the peices together etc. it has a built in 5.1 sound encoder which kics ass rock: I mixed a lot of my songs into 5.1 mocked sound which feels great. Also for any downloaded concerts I may get or live DJ sets it really can enhance the feeling with a bit of work.
hmm, i dunno. i dont really like the album covers, too much stuff on it. try to not mix it all up to much. cant really express myself with my halfpoor english.
hake: hake: hake: hake: hake:
the cover sais "A 3-song Club Mix"
the back sais "A 4-song Club Mix"
i think you should just work on them for a little more and find a new font other than arial. And if you cant find a different font for the
DJHeadUp presents,
just change the font for Xerxes to a more techy looking font, and make the font for
DJHeadUp presnts,
impact, or something like that. l8r rock: rock: rock:
ME--> flamethrower: <--EVERYONE ELSE
dont u just hate my signature!?
heres my new one: YA I CHANGED MY NAME@!!!@#!##!#@$!!#@$!!