Can someone help me? I need help to kick assholes who come into my room and use rockets and other wepons in a sniper only room. I know how to kick I just dont know how to kick people with the symbol ~ in there name. PLEASE help me and tell me how to do this i know it is possible to. THANKS
What you really need is someone to tell you how to eliminate rockets from your server alltogether. I went into one the other day where when I selected to have the bazooka, when I spawned, I had no ammo for it, pretty nice.
are you in a clan because i have a good friend that is a part of the black watch clan. Anywayz I cant seem to get that clientkick thing to work i got the status thing to come up but i couldnt kick them can you tell me exactly how, any spaces what number and do you type # or just the number?Thanks for helping me.