I am not going to comment on your inability to find a file that
YOU downloaded onto
YOUR computer (scary).
I am not going to comment on your need/desire to cheat
(I've cheated once or twice ie added sniper rifle in 1st mission 2nd time through, unlocked hidden map etc.) on your computer in the privacy of your own home. Shoot you can dance a jig in your wife's pink panties, while in god mode and killing Nazis for all I care.
But I am going to comment on your lazy-ass inability to use the internet. Ever hear of a search engine. Ie goggle.
http://www.google.ca/index.html .
Its magic type in a topic/question, and out pops serveral million possbile answers. I found like 10-15 sites that list the cheats for MOHAA.
Seek and ye shall find. Lazy goat!
You feel a thousand deaths by fearing one. - Klingon Captian of the SuQ'jagh-class Battle ship