ok, this old best friend of mine went to another school, we were best friends for like 2 years and now he made up a conovrsation of my s/n and some chick cybering or something. bullshit. and he is trying to blackmail me with it. he claims that in the time we were good friends, he really had been contemplating shooting up our school. i can easily kick the shit out of this kid, and he lives 5 miles from my house, near a friends. What should i do?
i could tell the truth and deny it and/or egg the kids house, break some windows, pop the tires on the car.
tell me how i should do this. he also made a webiste of the forged convorsation, so if i can quickly learn how to hack... oh well, any advide?
NAMBLA? whats that? i was thinking of vanalising his house, then if he tried to do anything, kick his ass, but yeah he told me he actually drew plans to shoot up the school and that he swore to himself that he would get my back, either with muscle or guns, but now its "brains".
[quote:faa06]he really had been contemplating shooting up our school
Take him to the fucking police[/quote:faa06]
for real. dude every time a school shooting occurs, there are always accounts of idiots who knew what was going to happen, but nobody did anything. call the cops on his ass.
NAMBLA? whats that? i was thinking of vanalising his house, then if he tried to do anything, kick his ass, but yeah he told me he actually drew plans to shoot up the school and that he swore to himself that he would get my back, either with muscle or guns, but now its "brains".
nambla= north american man-boy love association. He will get inappropriate letters from strange older males looking for teh buttseckz http://www.nambla.org is their website.
nambla= north american man-boy love association. He will get inappropriate letters from strange older males looking for teh buttseckz http://www.nambla.org is their website.
Originally Posted by Mr.Buttocks":653f1][quote=Merlin122]
nambla= north american man-boy love association. He will get inappropriate letters from strange older males looking for teh buttseckz [url="http://www.nambla.org
http://www.nambla.org[/url] is their website.
That website made me feel quite dirty.[/quote:653f1]
Like you've never been to that site before. rolleyes:
i could call from a payphone,, leave an anonymous tip that he is a potential school killer, then they would get a warrant and raid his house. and if they find ANYTHING he is screwed