if u want realism play rogue spear or something like that one shot one kill thing this is not a simulation that point has been stressed in about a million threads if ya wanna bitch about people not dying after falling 3 stories then how is it so real to be able to take 24 hits and live and keep moving just like u did with no hits :rolleyes
just play the game for what it is i am sure before u bought the game u knew it was not simulation by reading some article every mag i have read that talked about the game mentions its not a sim so stop bitchin bout realism and have fun and adapt and bty i have jumped from 3 stories and it hurt but i am typing today and no broken bone and not luckiness either just a plf which is landing u learn in Airborne Training which all the allies n prob axis u play in the multiplayer has supposedly gone thru so there is ur answer to realism
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!