Eat a dick flamebait. Jesus. This was Korvac and my battleground. You have ruined it sir. His bloodshed would have been glorious, inspired song, gotten Old Reliable laid - such joy you have cause to not begot sir!
[quote="The Gay Blade!":332fa]Eat a dick flamebait. Jesus. This was Korvac and my battleground. You have ruined it sir. His bloodshed would have been glorious, inspired song, gotten Old Reliable laid - such joy you have cause to not begot sir![/quote:332fa] booorrriinngngggIIINNNNGGGGGG
[quote="Desert Eagle Sr.":d42bb][quote="The Gay Blade!":d42bb]Eat a dick flamebait. Jesus. This was Korvac and my battleground. You have ruined it sir. His bloodshed would have been glorious, inspired song, gotten Old Reliable laid - such joy you have cause to not begot sir![/quote:d42bb] booorrriinngngggIIINNNNGGGGGG:[/quote:d42bb]
You sir are begging to be raped over the Desk portion of the weak thing Korvac, and then forced to suckle the cockle of his man portion.