[quote:82b76]"Hey Fred, I am 16 years old and live in NJ, I look up to you and this post that you just posted touches me very much. I am overweight and many people make fun of me, not as much as they use to but it does hurt. I look up to you and your words of wisdom, I am a huge fan and find you the coolest person in entertainment. But the kids at school aren't the only ones who call me names and all that, my own 8 year old sister calls me fat and tells me that she hopes I die. I really hope that this is just a phase and she will realize what she is doing is wrong. I am usually down all the time, and really depressed, it runs in the family, but now with your post it has made me see and realize something, that they are just going to grow out of it one day."[/quote:82b76]