What do you guys think about the idea of being able to re-enact battles / war missions that have recently happened? Husseins sons were only recently killed and already Kuma war lets you play through that very mission. I think it's a great idea, but at the same time I wonder if some people find it offensive. Re-enacting a war that happened decades ago is one thing, but this kind of technology has never been possible before, so I can't help but wonder if it's going to raise any issues. Opinions?
pay2play is not appealing to myself and I....its an interesting conicept though but i dont think it will garner enough support to remain a stable and active game in the online FPS community....or i could be completely wrong.
I played the Kumawar demo not too long ago, and I thought it was decent. You play part of a four-man team (Sniper, Rifleman, Grenadeer, Machine Gunner), and you had to infiltrate a Afghan base. It was cool, but I dunno if it's worth buying, or paying for per month. Maybe when it releases when they fix some more of the bugs / problems with the game, perhaps it would be worth getting.