My father always told me that WWII would have been a lot better if the Music during battles would have fit the mood. During the Battle of the Bulge when they were being over run by Germans, They almost did'nt live because nobody in his plattoon could agree on the appropriate music. Turn the music off!
"The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
But today you just read that the man was shot dead
By a gun that didn't make any noise
But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest
Was the low spark of high-heeled boys" -Steve Winwood/Traffic
[This message has been edited by Low spark (edited February 15, 2002).]
I think the sound and music in MOH is some of the better music peices for games I have heard. And it is new. Some of the music is form MOH PS, but a lot is still new..
I have to disagree.
The suckiest aspect of the game is the stupidity of your men and your inability to give them orders. Like in the Nebelwerfer hunt, I lost all of my men because they were making themselves too big a target for the Germans instead of firing from cover.
I use the music playing as a tactic... everytime you get close to an area where there are soldiers waiting, the music always gets more intense.
Personnaly, I had very high expectations for the SP. And so far, it hasen't really lived up to them. I tend to get my fix from the MP. In RTCW, I never played the MP.
You know how well-written that music is? It was composed then played by a full orchestra. That music is a masterpeice. It could very well have been the theme song to Saving Private Ryan.
I think there are like 32 composed songs overall...