i cant stand hackers they ruin ever game u can never win hackers use hacks to be good but ull never be good bc u need to learn the game to seeing through everything
[url=http://mohaa.krawall.de/download.php?action=download&id=531&PHPSESSID=6a91 1ea1164390c1d4b2ff872645ae4f:ccaa1]Here[/url:ccaa1] is a video of someone using Chameleon Skins for those interested.
wow that guy playing is horrible. cant even kill some people while hacking. sad sad sad.
i cant stand hackers they ruin ever game u can never win hackers use hacks to be good but ull never be good bc u need to learn the game to seeing through everything
Here's 10 cents.....go buy yourself a full stop. oOo:
[url=http://mohaa.krawall.de/download.php?action=download&id=531&PHPSESSID=6a91 1ea1164390c1d4b2ff872645ae4f:861d1]Here[/url:861d1] is a video of someone using Chameleon Skins for those interested.
wow that guy playing is horrible. cant even kill some people while hacking. sad sad sad.