I would serously have to agree on this one, as with me being new to this board also. I have 30 posts, but im a very active when it comes to posts.. some of the questions i have asked have made there way to the second and therd pages without a responce. Mind you some may be stupid and lame, but others were questions that had depth to them. help and support section is a grate idea, i second that motion!
I've noticed that there are a far too many people on this board that spend their time flaming very simple questions from people who are new to this board. The people who aske these questions are obviously new to the game and went to the trouble to register just to ask a simple question. I think one of the reasons that most of the developers that USED to frequent these boards have left is because of the hostile tone that a lot of the people that love to complain have made here. We all just want to enjoy this game and we should welcome our brothers in arms instead of calling them names. I for one don't mind questions from people who are new to the game, the more the better. Thanks for letting me rant. Happy gaming.
I don't know, I've asked some very basic questions (mainly because I know nothing about computer language and such) and have gotten pretty helpful responses without any hostility. It might be that knowledgable people recognize the level of my questions and take pity on me. I think the hostility is directed towards people who think they know more than the actually do. I know exactly jack.