Age of Empires
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago?
Where in the US is Carmen Sandiago?
Jill of The Jungle
Simcity 2000
Command & Conquer (1st one)
How anyone considers GTA2 "old skool" is beyond me. MYST is old skool. Doom is old skool. Wolfenstein is old skool. Warcraft 1 is old skool.
Noobins.[/quote:14981]oregon trail was awesome. I loved when it says, "You've just drowned." and then it goes to a picture of a makeshift grave, ha. Wolfenstein 3D was leet, especially the last level when you had to face Hitler strapped with all the machine guns.
Mechwarrior 2
Beast Busters
Muppet Treasure Island
Goldeneye (N64)
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario World
NHL 94 (Sega Megadrive)
Yoshi's Island
Mario Brothers 1 & 3
Die Hard Trilogy (PSX)
Simcity 2000
Simcity Classic
Alex The Kidd
Surely, one of the greatest SEGA CD games ever made. I even have a copy
of it regardless of the fact that I don't possess the console...
"Willy Beamish... WHAT did I just SAY!?!"
* Oh no! The old prune caught me! ... better think of something, fast! *[/quote:07ee5]yep, "Dad: What's this? A C in Music Appreciation!?!?!? That's it, no nintari."