ren and stimpy, liquid telivision, rocko's modern life, beavis and butthead, double dare, wild and crazy kids, are you afraid of the dark?, america's funniest home videos (back when they had an actual live audience and Bob Sagat), kablam (the first season, that was the only good one) FAMILY MATTERS!! holy shit i used to watch that everyfuckinfriday back when TGIF was good, and almost all of the stuff mentioned above(except the, i didn't know they had a show..)
omg Prometheus and Bob! hahahah!! biggrin: loved that stuff, and the superhero one, action league now! or something. P&B biggrin:
Amazing Chan, I hated this show so much... I'm glad I haven't seen it in almost a decade.
This is the Beast
Arthur tells Mavis
How a prince became the Beast
She doesn't look interested
Oh what an ugly telly
Do'nt call me ugly <Zapp!!>
Oh, what appened?
Now they are worried