My ex was decent.. she could be sexy as hell when she wanted to be.
Anyway, let me give you a single scenario on why she's insane:
This past Easter, I get a call from her out of the blue. We broke up last August, and I hadn't seen her since December. I only saw/spoke with her then because she fucking ambushed me at my best friend's house via his girlfriend. Totally not fucking cool.
Anyway, she calls me up and says, "When would be a good time for me to stop by and see you?" I foolishly believed that my subtle, "Umm.. probably never." would be sufficient to clue her in. That was until she followed up with, "Oh, well, I could see why your family might not really want to see me. So where should we meet up, are you off on Saturday?" She apparently somewhat got the point when I said, "I really have no desire to see or speak with you at all, actually." At that point the conversation ended.
Rewind to give you the reason she was coming down here:
She was coming to Myrtle Beach to meet the fiancee of her friend Justin. No big deal, right? Except for Justin is the guy with whom she cheated on me and subsequently made two trips to Myrtle Beach thinking I didn't know about them to hook up with him, only to get rejected both times because he just wanted an easy lay and I was unaware that she was a fucking slut.
Anyway, that's just one example. I won't even get into the time she screamed at me in the middle of the supermarket because I stood the soda bottles up in the cart rather than laying them down and they might get shaken up stupid: oOo: stupid:
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008