Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
06-16-2004, 08:03 PM
My overwhelming thanks sire, & whatsoever the issue be, I shall never willingly relinquish the dear title of 'Your most affectionate friend and faithful servant &tc'.
Greek women are generally as hairy as the average proboscis monkey. The game's quite good though, I like it when the wee teams give the big ones a run for their money! rock:
Russia 0 - 1 Portugal at half-time. Russia just got their keeper sent off for supposedly handling the ball outside the box but after watching the replay I don't think he actually touched the ball with his hand. oOo:
fuckin a, heard about it this morning, im not holding my breath though because he probably will get suspended for at least 1 game, he didnt do much in the game against denmark, maybe its good for a change