When you are beheaded i'm sur epeople will begin to care.
Are you fucking serious?
Dude, If I met you in real life, Id fucking jab you in the face for being such a fucking apostle for the anti-american cause. God, no-one takes your opinion seriously.
When you are beheaded i'm sur epeople will begin to care.
Are you fucking serious?
Dude, If I met you in real life, Id fucking jab you in the face for being such a fucking apostle for the anti-american cause. God, no-one takes your opinion seriously.
Then why get all PMS over it?
Both of you.... STFU!!!!!!!!!!! Stop bitching in my bitching thread!!!! GO FIND YOUR OWN FUCKIN BITCHING THREAD....... BITCH! rock:
When you are beheaded i'm sur epeople will begin to care.
Are you fucking serious?
Dude, If I met you in real life, Id fucking jab you in the face for being such a fucking apostle for the anti-american cause. God, no-one takes your opinion seriously.
Then why get all PMS over it?
Because I have to read this shit in order to view a thread....
When you are beheaded i'm sur epeople will begin to care.
Are you fucking serious?
Dude, If I met you in real life, Id fucking jab you in the face for being such a fucking apostle for the anti-american cause. God, no-one takes your opinion seriously.
Then why get all PMS over it?
Because I have to read this shit in order to view a thread....
When you are beheaded i'm sur epeople will begin to care.
Are you fucking serious?
Dude, If I met you in real life, Id fucking jab you in the face for being such a fucking apostle for the anti-american cause. God, no-one takes your opinion seriously.
Then why get all PMS over it?
Because I have to read this shit in order to view a thread....