Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by ninty9
oh how i wish i lived in:
Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, USA
kentucky? what the fuck is wrong with you? kentucky is like the worst state in this union...there is NOTHING there.
umm there is like a shitload of horse farms, most of the best race horses come from Kentucky, there is
UK (where college b-ball is like a relgion there) and its a great place to grow up, thats where i'm from
and Kentucky wasn't part of the union back then it was neutral, it was a commonwealth and its still called the commonwealth of kentucky on the state seal, oh yeah there is also a crapload of tobacco farms in Kentucky too, its Kentucky's biggest cash crop, so don't go saying there is nothing there, cause there is plenty there
ps. Big Bone Lick is a state park, i didn't live that far away from it