Originally Posted by ShagNasty
I am sorry but I find that funny lmao.
Originally Posted by Eames
it was a joke, they didnt say anything or do anything...and the look on the bus drivers face when she saw them was probably priceless. this is only like 30 minutes from where i live.
Notice how the two most hated, most uneducated, and most plain fucking moronic and hateful members of the forum are the only ones who find this bullshit funny.
I bet they'd find it just as funny if they were the minority in a town where a joke that is intended to single them out and make them feel unwanted and intimidated is considered funny.
Fucking hateful losers....Racists are always tough on the net, or tough in groups. I bet if they were the minority they'd probably suck the cock of a targeted race, just to be accepted.