I was just goin to type that lol. I really like what you guys have done. there is a lot of originality and thought gone into that and i kept wondering how they did that! One niggle is why cant i hear my weapons fireing i hear them hit etc just no bang.
I ran a server from home to test and in ffa on the dockyard there was a lot of telefraggin and dieing as soon as you spawn thanks to ppl gas nade spamming maybe take the hurt damage down a touchnot sure if this is an issue to most ppl but maybe addin ffa spawns dotted around?
Just suggestions not flames btw
Tons of errors and bugs. But other than that it's alright. The weapons when you drop them look awesome but don't look so great in hand. Maps look great. Are you guys goin to be making a patch?
wooo im at 5% done after about 2 hours of downloading...... wallbash: loney:
Ive been thinkin about this could you maybe make this into 2 pk3 files for us 56k people..? cuz im buggin over here man I need it now.. now now.. I cant wait any more