/mini-rant I would use Gamespy3D, which I paid for a few years ago. Why don't the bastards update it to support MOHAA? I can prolly answer my own question - cause the greedy SOB's want MORE money, $%^$%&& %*(!@#$!@$#%%.. GameSpy SUCKS!!!

/mini-rant off
I use the ingame browser myself. I like it better than GSA (which I will never buy, they can kiss my azz). It has some definite drawbacks like no right click options, no favorites, the way it behaves when you encounter a older version or a full server (goes all the way back to the main screen, Doh). But it could be alot better if they fix those things in the next patch.
I haven't bothered with ASE cause they want money for it just like GSA. Tell me, does it have a time limit where it quits working if not registered or just a nag screen? Or what? How many of you who love it so much have registered it? Not being a smartasss here, just curious. I'm not saying I won't try it depending on what ya'll tell me.
Another possible new player in the server browser game is
bQuery. Anyone here tried it? It works great with about everything (rtcw,UT,HL,Qx, SS, SSSE,etc.)
except I haven't been able to get it to work for MOHAA..

It does support the game, but whenever I try to query the master server for MOHAA it says 0 servers found. Check it out & if anyone has gotten it to work for MOHAA let me/us know.

It would be the *only* thing I use if I could get it to work for MOHAA. Unfortunately their forums are not up yet, I guess I might send 'em an email...