Headshot, don't let these knuckleheads get to you (don't worry knucklheads, i like you knucklheads and knucklehead is a term of endearment)
you do really need to practice before posting on here OR when you post an image of a skin you're working on just start it off with "hey i need some help, what do you think of this (name of skin) so far..."
Most of us on here are starving for attention and after reading that sentence will scramble to be the first one to give advice. we'll proably knock it a little but you'll get less out and out flames that way
by the way.....I am the MASTER of a jacket and tie torso, fear my casual look ! stupid:
open up pak0.pk3/ui/hud_ammo_thompson.urc
open the urc with notepad.
scroll all the way down till u see [code:400ee]// Weapon Name Display
name "weaponname"
//rect 0 95 200 22
rect 0 207 200 22
fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00
bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00
borderstyle "NONE"
itemstat 1 // equipped weapon
textalign right
font facfont-20
now to make it say Tommy Gun change it to this: [code:400ee]// Weapon Name Display
name "weaponname"
title "Tommy Gun"
//rect 0 95 200 22
rect 0 207 200 22
fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00
bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00
borderstyle "NONE"
textalign right
font facfont-20
if u look i deleted itemstat 1 // equipped weapon. always get rid of that when changing the name. then under name i put title "". between the quote marks put the name u want. hope that helps.
hmmmmmmmm, tell me guys how many of your posts are posted on these forums that actually help people?
Isee the same people over and over again slagging people off just because they dont know as much as you may do, why cant you just be friendly and say.......Google is a good way to find this. Instead of Use google you f****** n00b.
hmmmmmmmm, tell me guys how many of your posts are posted on these forums that actually help people?
Isee the same people over and over again slagging people off just because they dont know as much as you may do, why cant you just be friendly and say.......Google is a good way to find this. Instead of Use google you f****** n00b.
Noone wants to listen to you whine and complain go look at your little Barbie forum. sleeping:
EDIT: This is the kinda stuff that will get you flamed by somebody