Well it shows you some people who didnt pay attention in school and didnt learn shit turn to this life of worthlessness and life of crime.
My uncles dad use to own a small italian corner store, as he got older he determined it was time to sell the store, he sold it to a man in his 60's who him and his also 60+ year old wife. The store is in rochester in whatd we call a bad neighbor hood. One day 3 armed men come into the store and hold it up, they bash his wife with the pistol and they wound up shooting her and putting her in critical condition, she did nothing wrong. Her husband came out with a pistol and shot one dead and managed to hit one of the other fuckers. People are relentless, the wife almost died because 3 typical rochester thugs couldnt work a 9-5 like everyone else. I hope they rot in hell for it too