I have played a couple of servers where the pistols have 3 shots or more come out per "shot" or click of the mouse. I have been analyzing the code for this and cant seem the file or the right spot to edit how many bullets come out per shot. Anyone know how and where to edit this? Thanks.
well, i just figured it out, now i just have to figure out how to make it full auto!!! Anyone know how to do that???!?! Im lookin at Mike_Torso.st and cant figure it out. Hit me up if ya know. Thx.
I have looked at that for a while....and i did that with the sniper. All it does is take away the auto chamber, like on the Kar98, or both snipers. I cant get it to be Full auto like the MG. Do you know how to do this Grim?
funny this topic came up. the =45th= used to have a mod for the pistols called Snakeshot that gave the pistols the acuracy and distance of a StG and fired 5 rounds at a time, allowing you to run around with just a pistol and take on anyone with a StG or SmG. It also had one hit bashing.
Think DonkeyPunch made it.
No worries though, I have a friend that's supposed to be making me that exact mod and when he gets it done, i'll put it up here for download.
oh and btw.....i got it to work! I can have as many bullets come out with one shot as you want, and i made it full auto. Its freakin rediculous!!! As soon as i finalize it, ill send it right on over. Peace-
I have played a couple of servers where the pistols have 3 shots or more come out per "shot" or click of the mouse. I have been analyzing the code for this and cant seem the file or the right spot to edit how many bullets come out per shot. Anyone know how and where to edit this? Thanks.
I have played a couple of servers where the pistols have 3 shots or more come out per "shot" or click of the mouse. I have been analyzing the code for this and cant seem the file or the right spot to edit how many bullets come out per shot. Anyone know how and where to edit this? Thanks.