thanks for the walkthrough!
and for those that say oh you just have to jump at a certain spot, well that spot is hard to find! Why? Because the jump you have to make there is really high, in fact, it is about a double sized jump, that is why you have to press the jump key twice. So just looking around for the spot it is easy to miss because it looks like it is too far to jump, but the game allows you to do a double sized jump and make it.
Many of us now know a similar spot on another level to get on a roof to get underground.
oh and i know it is not a great spot, i don't think any of the 5 or so hard to get to spots i know are great spots, but they are fun to mess around with and try out at least once.
tanx again
[This message has been edited by lysis (edited February 27, 2002).]