I'm trying to get http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 10393&rd=1 <== this for my brother's brithday. I email the seller and he told me he would prefer if I pay with paypal. I don't have an account with paypal and I heard some real bad shit about paypal, something like the seller would never get the moeny and wont send you the goods etc.
Isn't paypal part of ebay? The problem is the seller only wants paypal money. And my real question is have you guys ever pay over the interweb with paypal and if so how was your experience?
when I went to use it to buy something it gave me all this crap on how I had to pay monthly user fees ect & I wasent willing to pay for those because I was just getting one item. I ended up just sending a money order.