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 OFFICIAL car wrecks, breakdowns, etc. thread |
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OFFICIAL car wrecks, breakdowns, etc. thread -
07-30-2004, 05:57 PM
post any 1337 car wrecks/fuckups youve had........
ok so i was driving to my moms in nj from philly---50 min or so
anyway so my car is a piece of shit 1987 toyota camry
i was getting off the expressway to merge onto the blue route (476-S)
my engine was making these banging noises like it was a fuckin shitty go-cart all the sudden, and i know i have like 15 secs left before my car dies so i pulled off the on-ramp in between the blue route and a 2 lane on ramp.....great spot, it looked like this:
|[] <--my car
476 S | \ the onramp
| \
| \
so im calling anyone i can since my parents are still on thier fuckin cruise on the mediterranean, and this van pulls up in front of my car
i thought they were there to help
IT WAS A VAN FULL OF MEXICANS WHO WANTED ME TO READ SOME DIRECTIONS FOR THEM....they were going the complete wrong way....good thing i spoke spanish or i might have been kidnapped
finally got my car and my ass the fuck off the highway, my engine is shot...can i get re-imbursed when i cancel my insurance?
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07-30-2004, 06:03 PM
Well, I was changing the CD in my CD player the CD fell out of my hand and landed on the passenger side floor I reached down to pick it up then I start hearing these banging sounds.. I knocked off 3 mirrors including mine from cars parked by the curb ... got out picked mine up and got the hell outa there
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07-31-2004, 01:17 AM
I doubt youll get reimbursed by insurrance uness it is covered. Anyways its probably not worth fixing it.
Ill start with my first.
It was after a dance and I was driving a girl home. on my way back to my place this car in front of me was doing 25 in a 55 so I was pissed. It was late october remember. well I decided to pass the guy. I got on teh gas, my tires got no tration because I found out right then I was on top of 2 inches of ice. I spun went side ways at like 40mph corrected, a little too much, recorrected and ended up off the road. with 4lo and a pus hfro msome guys that stopepd I got out.
I fried my clutch ofroad trying ot get up an ice ledge on top of a mud hole.
I decided witer sucks for trucks.
stalled under water dizzy cap got wet dried out adn started up in liek 5 minutes.
Ive played bumper cars with with truck and lost my liscense plate somewhere in a swamp. Smashed my rear bumper on rocks, dented my gas tank. Craked a windshield because the truck in front of me did a brake stand in a rocky mud pit. dented my front bumper playing with trees rock:
and ya thats it really.
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07-31-2004, 01:48 AM
happened two weeks ago
comming home from school, me and a friend of mine - brady were riding in my car, i stop at a stop sign to make a left hand turn, and i exucute the turn
crap what was that < clunk clunk clunk > me and brady look at each other <oh ####>
i pull into a parking lot, and the gears arn't working, i am thinking it's the transmission, on a front wheel drive car.....i know there must be a few grease monkeys in the clan, but to all the others, when a tranny <transmission> goes out in a front wheel drive car, youhave to pull the ENGINE out to get to it.....wee
so i call my mom, some dude pulled on the side of the road and gave me a cell mom comes along with our family friend joe...well it's not the tranny YET it was a rod, comming from the transmission to my tire, to turn it.....i think it's called a cv joint, anyways i tore it up good. and it was like we tie the joint up so we can bring it mom hooks her car up to mine aand we proceed to drive home, at 2 mph
well about half way there 2 miles or so, during a turn, the joint comes loose, and decides it wants to flatten my TIRE - great, now there is another 70 bucks to fix the tire -- wee freakin la
so here i am, going 2 mph, getting pulled by my mom on a rope 2 feet long, crossing a major intersection, with a flat tire rolling on a rim, and then the grinding starts, oh yes my friends grinding......i hope that the city of sulphur doesn't decide to sue me for leaving a 2 miles scratch in thier road....
now i got it fixed wends..
yesterday i go get gas, and i kill the engine, and it doesn't start back up alll i hear is clicking :'(
iam pissed hellfire: hellfire: hellfire: hellfire: hellfire: hellfire:
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07-31-2004, 03:35 AM
No acidents yet thank god, the only tiem I ever get even close to one is when I tinker with the Cd player, So I never touch it any more while the car is driving. Other then that smooth Driving, the only thing that pisses me off are fuckers who have ruined my cars original mint condition paint. When people literally have slammed their danm doors into my car's side to many time and have left huge cosmetic damages to the once perfect orginal paint. No information left at all. People are just danm right assholes sometimes. Now ill need to get a new paint job sooner or later, Most likely after i install a hunter body kit on the car in a year or so. Im thinking or another coat of torch red or Metallic green, not sure yet.
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07-31-2004, 05:54 AM
I havent witnesses anything yet - but my dad is a taxi driver and was driving on a country lane at 3am when a car pulled out on a side road - so he took evasive action spun and smashed into a tree.
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07-31-2004, 07:22 AM
My good friend from high school just posted on AAN that he was cut off by a truck this morning and he t-boned it with his Audi A4. Sad...
He had just installed a Carputer in it too. He's ok though, thank Jeebus.
he said he'd post pics when he gets some. I'll pass 'em along.
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07-31-2004, 10:17 AM
My cars been through all kinds of hell but it still looks brand new except the mirror that's held on by a lot of duck tape....
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07-31-2004, 11:35 AM
[quote="Short Hand":cdaaf]No acidents yet thank god, the only tiem I ever get even close to one is when I tinker with the Cd player, So I never touch it any more while the car is driving. Other then that smooth Driving, the only thing that pisses me off are fuckers who have ruined my cars original mint condition paint. When people literally have slammed their danm doors into my car's side to many time and have left huge cosmetic damages to the once perfect orginal paint. No information left at all. People are just danm right assholes sometimes. Now ill need to get a new paint job sooner or later, Most likely after i install a hunter body kit on the car in a year or so. Im thinking or another coat of torch red or Metallic green, not sure yet.[/quote:cdaaf]
shorthand the time you got close to one is when you almost ran that fuckin redlight
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07-31-2004, 12:08 PM
funny story, happend monday. i was out all sunday night, didnt get back home till around 4 and i was pretty messed up. around 8 am my sister wakes me up and is like "you have to take me to cheerleading practice" and im like wtf???! my mom calls and starts bitching me out so i get up grab my keys and luckily i had enough sense to grab my cell phone. im pissed because its about a 40 minute round trip drive to take her to where she practices and im pretty tired, my breath reaks of whiskey, and since i got up strait out of bed the only thing im wearing is very short running shorts, no shoes, nothing else. im not really hungover or feeling fucked up im just real tired....i get her to where she needs to go and start driving home, i get into a left turn lane, the light turns red and im the first car stopped in the left hand turn lane and about 5 other cars pull up behind me, im just sitting at the light listening to music when all of a sudden the music stops, and im like wtf??! i hit the power button and its not coming on...then i notice my check engine lights on and im like wtf im in neutral theres no way i stalled, i go to turn the car on and its fucking dead in the turn lane on a busy ass intersection first car dies and im blocking traffic the people behind me do nothing but bitch, dont even offer to help, im getting pretty pissed off cause my hazard lights wont even turn on. luckily a cop pulls up and is like whats the problem and i tell him my car died, and he has to call some other cops to block traffic so i can push my car to the side of the road. once i get it to the side i call my dad who has the aaa card and who said we'd try to jump the car before getting it towed and hes like ok ill be there in like 20 minutes. the cops just leave once i get to the side of the road, so im like not waiting outside my car on a busy intersection half i sit in my car and wait for my dad to get tired so i recline my seat and go to sleep. all of a sudden im woken up by a tapping on my window, i look over and theres a fire truck behind my car and firemen outside my window, i open the door and there like is everything ok??? im like ya my car died and im waiting on my dad to get here, there like why dont u have your hazard lights on?? and i explain to them they dont work...then i see the emt ambulance pull up and i get a 10 minute lecture on never staying in your car when it dies so they leave and im standing there on the side of a busy road half naked, its not that im embaressed i work out alot so im pretty muscular and in great shape i just didnt like getting honked at by old ladies and gay men, for some reason there arent any good looking girls on the road at 830 in the my dad finally gets there and im looking like a gay auto repair man when im hooking up the cables to jump the car, the cars still honk when they drive by followed by the occasional verbal gestures...but thank god all the car needed was a jump and it turned back on and i drove it home and went back to sleep, a wierd experience to say the least.
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07-31-2004, 11:22 PM
eames check your alternator, if your car was on the battery should not have died. IF your alternator is toast your starter will go next and itll put a hole in your pocket. provided thast the problem.
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07-31-2004, 11:32 PM
hahaha eames thats god punishing you for boozing your face off earlier
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07-31-2004, 11:34 PM
LOL my car is the king of dieing. At every intersection it starts to buck and wants to stall thank god I know how to drive her. I guess thats what happens when you drive at an average of 70+ mph everywhere. Im never in a hurry I just like going fast, im sure it might crawl around and bite me in the ass. But if im a long lonely road why not open it up and get a rush?
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07-31-2004, 11:58 PM
[quote="Greg_Di":d84b3][quote="Short Hand":d84b3]No acidents yet thank god, the only tiem I ever get even close to one is when I tinker with the Cd player, So I never touch it any more while the car is driving. Other then that smooth Driving, the only thing that pisses me off are fuckers who have ruined my cars original mint condition paint. When people literally have slammed their danm doors into my car's side to many time and have left huge cosmetic damages to the once perfect orginal paint. No information left at all. People are just danm right assholes sometimes. Now ill need to get a new paint job sooner or later, Most likely after i install a hunter body kit on the car in a year or so. Im thinking or another coat of torch red or Metallic green, not sure yet.[/quote:d84b3]
shorthand the time you got close to one is when you almost ran that fuckin redlight[/quote:d84b3]
I was changing a cd you fucking moron. Because pappy decided to fucking change the song.
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08-01-2004, 07:47 AM
[quote="Short Hand":b0070][quote="Greg_Di":b0070][quote="Short Hand":b0070]No acidents yet thank god, the only tiem I ever get even close to one is when I tinker with the Cd player, So I never touch it any more while the car is driving. Other then that smooth Driving, the only thing that pisses me off are fuckers who have ruined my cars original mint condition paint. When people literally have slammed their danm doors into my car's side to many time and have left huge cosmetic damages to the once perfect orginal paint. No information left at all. People are just danm right assholes sometimes. Now ill need to get a new paint job sooner or later, Most likely after i install a hunter body kit on the car in a year or so. Im thinking or another coat of torch red or Metallic green, not sure yet.[/quote:b0070]
shorthand the time you got close to one is when you almost ran that fuckin redlight[/quote:b0070]
I was changing a cd you fucking moron. Because pappy decided to fucking change the song.[/quote:b0070]
I dont get it that nub knows you in real life and still calls you short hand?
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