i couldnt find a stock server to save my life last night. we ended up pubbing some "modded" server that had rockets and shotguns disabled...so we lagged around with smgs...wtf is wrong with you MOH people...every fucking MOH server is modded with some gay ass POS realism mod where some worthless sack of shit nub will camp your spawn witha a BAR and go 41-4....he is clearly the best oOo:
LOL so fucking true, i mean gg mg's, who the fuck needs to aim when you can randomly spray an area with an mg that has recoil that deviates from where your aiming by about an inch. gg ckr. oOo:
Seriously anyone that sucks in ckr needs fucking help, theyre either blind or have no arms or some shit. eek:
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
LOCO server is for n00bs.... rolleyes: you go 50-14 and you are hacker oOo: so they run code on your client and change your binds/cfg...gg assholes annoy: