well i dont like the Bazookas or shotgun at all, its no competition when using it and i like to fight hard with lesser fire power like a Tommy gun or Garand, it makes me more satisifed when killing my opponent instead of these booring Bazookas matches where u acually dont need to aim at all, where is teh competition in it? i dunno.
I have also experienced that using to many Bazookas screws up the framerate, and thats bad too.
Its just a game goddamnit! jump into it! grab that Tommy gun og German MP, lets make it bloddy, messy, close combat and chaos!
Bazookas matches is booring i think, easy aiming easy kills, and no tracers in the air and around our heads. It like this: fire the trigger, a loong and boring "Svviisj", 1 second goes, 2 second goes in just waiting for th next booring rocket to reload, then "Booom", fire another rocket, wait for the supid rocket to get there, then another "Booooom". Its so boring that sometimes i dont try to get in cover against Bazookas at all. I like to play my "dogde and zig-zag" game against the Baozzoa user, and taking them out with my Garand while they reload the next rocket is quite funny too hehe, runnin gafter them while they desperatley tries to reload their next rocket, LOL!
But im not saying Bazooka users are lame, its just a game after all, an dsoetimes i like to do "bad and nasty" things myself hehe.
"...BoNgAlOrEs! We NeEd bOngAloReS! WeEd BoNgAloRes!"
[This message has been edited by -=THC=- WarBeast (edited February 28, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by -=THC=- WarBeast (edited February 28, 2002).]