I have a Commodore 16k with tape player and 5 1/4 inch floppy drive. I had some trouble inserting the CD into the floppy drive, but a little grease soon eased the baby in.
After that I found some difficulty in booting the computer up.
I found if I took a picture of Medal of Honor from my games magazine and cellotaped it to my black and white TV I could at least relive the feel of the war for a few seconds at a time.
What I hate about the game is rocket lamers and shotgun users, 'cos they slow my frame rate down from 0 fps to -5 fps.
Playing MoH with the z x keys and space bar is tough, I can tell you.
For some reason it kept asking me to 'Remove the tape and turn it over to side 2' everytime I changed weapons.
I put my Green Day tape into the tape player and pressed return and it started to smoke a little bit.
Does anyone think I need to upgrade? I was thinking of splashing out on a Commodore 64k.
I don't want to go too crazy, though.