i care for my face like a woman, no shit. its the only one ive got, and its the first thing people see, so, i try to keep mine looking tip top. washing your face everytime you shower with some kind of cleanser ( i use noxema ), and moisturise, you should be in good shape. This will also keep your nose clear of black heads. Yup, no need for those fucking strips or shit.
as for shit inside the nose. usually when i get something like that going on i will use neosporin inside the nose on the thing for about a day and it goes away.
Zits that are really deep and just get red and wont pop fucking HURT!!
Yup, but for some reason I cant help but to pop them or at least try then swear at myself for making myself feel that sharp pain when I coulda just waited a few more days.. oOo: