[23:09] <Innoxx>
[23:09] <Innoxx> I wonder how true that is.
[23:13] <Da_Bian> delicious
[23:13] <STRVS> Holy mutated baby batman
[23:14] <STRVS> Itd be more beleivable if it didnt have that horrible music
[23:14] <Innoxx> and irrelvent material
[23:14] <Innoxx> nothing like getting deformed "cute things" to state your point
[23:15] <STRVS> Shock em into joining you.
[23:15] <STRVS> Works everytime
[23:15] <Innoxx> jup
[23:16] <Innoxx> Funny how they haven't provide any sources to back their claims either.
[23:16] <STRVS> We dont need facts, what we need is disgusting mutations
[23:17] <Innoxx> You know that in 2001, the sodomy rate among males between the ages of 16-25 has risen 30,000%? Mind you, this has everything to do with the production of Axe deordorant bodyspray.
[23:18] <STRVS> Cue picture of dead babie
[23:18] <STRVS> ITS TRUE!!!
[23:18] <Ferich> Whatever happened to a tommy gun and a few grenades?
[23:19] <Ferich> Let's shoot radiation at eachother.
[23:21] <Ferich> There's probably like 343432 Spidermen in Iraq
[23:21] <Ferich> Not really many buildings to shoot your web onto too...so they just ride camels with a web logo on the side.
[23:21] <Innoxx> lol