06-26-2001, 10:02 AM
I happen to know a bit about Capt. Dye. I was trained by him to be an extra in Michael Mann's "The Last of the Mohicans". Aside from the one time he told us we marched like a "Ethopian Jug F*ck" he was a very cool guy. I have the upmost respect for the man, his service to his country and his knowledge of all matters military. His job was to advise the filmaker and help make the film (be it LoTM or SPR or whatever) as authentic as possible. But as has been said, he was not a German Soldier during WW2, so there are some small details that might get past even him.
His attachment to any project be it film, TV or PC game pretty much guarantees as authentic experience as the producers are willing to show.