I apologize for the wait. I'm working to get everything in working order for the first beta run. Elgan helped me get the chopper to work with both mw and without modernwarfare. This to be honest, is truely ment for that mod. The weapons are spot on for the situation. But I didn't want servers to HAVE to have mw in order to run it... sleeping: Oops.. oOo: I fell asleep... anwyay...
The work put into this is far reaching. The final compile will take atleast 3 days. ... Im not waiting that long lol I'm compiling it in detail and using a harsh farplane with no cull. (AND IS COMPILING AS I WRITE THIS) Basically I'm trying to cheat the fps into working good for the test. The final will have no farplane and will very crisp to sight and be using VIS leafgroups with hint brushes and area portals. (ignore that if you have no idea what that just ment lol) Under the microscope I see only a few problems. All of which are minor. The biggest problem was the chopper and the... sleeping: oOo: ...sorry... and the parachute deployment system. All of which you can give great praise to Elgan and JV for their brilliant coding. Well done. beer:
So in summary it all comes down to the first test. I'll be enlisting people for the test personally so please don't ask. I only need a handful of people. The test will last only a few hours then a dl site will be aquired and set up immediately following the test. I am not going to fix errors and erroneous glitches until this has been played out. If I encounter only small problems the download will come shortly.
One last thing... I worked my f***in ass off on this. If you don't like it thats fine but I am not looking for whether or not you like it. This may offend you in some way I dunno but I am sorry for that. God bless the souls lost that day... if only it could have been stopped.
Simply amazing Gen.C. I truly am looking forward to this map/mod with great interest. I am one that agrees with you on to bad if you do not like it. I should have been more like that with our MOHAA: HD mod, too bad. I promise you that with our update I WILL be like that, solves so many problems that way.
At any rate, I look forward for the download, and overall OUTSTANDING job Gen.C. This WILL be a keeper. Take it easy and if you need anything let me know.
Gen.C, This is by far your best work that i have seen over the several years of playing MOHAA, I found that even through the grimest hours of WTC attacks, a diamond in the ruff has been born, by saying this i beleave that this map and it's objectives in neutrilising terrorism mayindeed help us imply better secrurity in airports and constructing beter and stronger building's, and making them easier to get out of if there were ever andother incident like 9/11, so that no one has to die for foul play of terrorist. I thank you again Gen.C for the outstanding work and show of devotion to great maps and mods.
I think my eyes are as bloody as they can be and still see. The map is compiling on a sep computer right now. I added VISualization groups to protect the cpu and fps during gameplay. Big map! Lots of fun on the early tests with the chopper. It's quite a race. The beta will be ready as soon as this finishes compiling which will take another day or so because this is it.
cool looks fun
, will it be laggy like modern warfare cus the heli is packed with polies or have you managed to resolve this?
anyway great work one the map. the_finger:
cool looks fun
, will it be laggy like modern warfare cus the heli is packed with polies or have you managed to resolve this?
anyway great work one the map. the_finger:
the words laggy and gen cobra's maps are like polar opposites, thats part of the magic he works
go sox cobra, and this looks absolutely breath taking
cool looks fun
, will it be laggy like modern warfare cus the heli is packed with polies or have you managed to resolve this?
anyway great work one the map. the_finger:
Thats why he said he added vis to protect against fps probs.
btw cobra where you the cobra on that tactical riflesonly server the other day