Hey how is that Operation Flashpoint demo. I read a preview on it and it made me wanna buy it. I sure hope that demo isnt too long. I'm gonna go download it which will only take about 4 hours if I'm lucky.
you could also be right . they may have made the rifle stay in view as you throw a grande . but from that screenshot , thats where your men set of the bangalores which is what one of the 2015ers said . so i know he's not throwing a granade in that shot . it would be cool to still be able to see your rifle as you throw a frag though .
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by riesep: When I tried downloading the movie or trailer from the official website (twice) it didn't work. I noticed that it was smaller in size (mb). Has anyone downloaded it and get it to work. When I try to view it, I think it says something like-error not a Win 32 application. Does anyone know what this is all about?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I was just looking at the grenade and it answered a lot of the questions that I've seen in this forum. It says that grenades can be thrown back. I hope this means that we can throw them back. They are thrown underhanded when there is a gun already in the hands which means they can't go as far. And they go depending on how long the throw buttonis held, not depending on an angle or something with which I saw.
yeah i like it a lot more when the rifle is still in vision as you toss a grenade. This is much better than having to pull out a whole other weapon after puting your rifle "away". Haha because honestly, if you were in war and you needed to huck a Mark II into a foxhole with little time, would you put away your rifle, reach in your pouch with both hands free, grab a grenade, throw it, and then rearm yourself?? I think not.
Holy Sh*@ guys I'm famous! I made the front page! Thanks Badcript for my few moments of fame. LOL
[This message has been edited by BlueDevil (edited July 03, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by BlueDevil (edited July 03, 2001).]
Crosshairs are good but with no crosshairs it will make it even more realistic. In dod like the sniper rifles have no crosshairs and i seem to have no problem with that but its all in the skill i say.
Teamwork is important it gives the enemy something els to shoot at
About that screenshot with the gun pointing away from the crosshair: that was when we had a system in that would have the gun lag behind the crosshair, so it looks like the guy taking the screenshot was looking too far to the left and too low, and suddenly jerked his view up and to the right.
The lag has been removed, and the gun now always points in a reasonable direction.