A question about the "dust". Remember in SPR when Jackson was in the Bell Tower sniping people? You know when he shot that guy and the dust flew off one side and the other, like the bullet went directly through him, will that be what it looks like in the game?
I'm just hoping the damn helmet doesn't fly off every time you shoot your opponent in the face. Plus does anyone else agree with me here that it got annoying in the past games how the troops could take a Sniper Round in the chest and just flintch a little bit and be back in action 3 seconds later. I'd actually like some one shot kills in this game. and what was with having to shoot a nazi with a thomson like 15 times before he went down??? >:| eh, i'm sure they'll have fixed that so no worries
I think it would be cool if sometimes the enemy (or allies) didn't always die. I hope sometimes they just lay on the ground praying or calling for help. I find it weird how the enemy always dies, when in real life some lived after being shot.
As Rafterman was saying... some games require the enemy to stay up longer so they can lay down more fire power and if they survive it also makes you more exposed to fire. But I hope in this game they have more men compared to how many hits it takes to get a man down. For ex. - Say In a crappy game it takes 4 hits to down a man, In this game they should have 4 extra men getting shot at one hit each.
(this was confusing was'nt it)