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-Waffenampt- is Offline
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Default 07-16-2001, 08:54 AM

Hans - Kraut Killer -

If you think it is annoying, then I will repeat myself "Please dont waste your own precious time arguing with us with no backing aside from your own personal feelings on what you want or feel this game should be like."

I posted this Message to speak out on where Burgen and Myself are coming from. It isnt meant to add insult & injury at anyone. It is a plea to you guys.

"If you dont care, Dont repsond"

It's a free country and you can do whatever you want, But if you dont want to waste your time, dont respond to us.

True, infact very true. Sometimes we can be rough around the edges, but no personality is perfect. And if we see something silly on a post, and respond to it, and then get attacked for the posting, we will counter it.

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Polaris is Offline
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Default 07-16-2001, 09:07 AM

Waffen , its really just the way other people might percieve the way they are being "corrected" or "informed" by you and your group . i can tell who in this forum has alot of knowledge about ww2 just by reading one or two of their posts . and there's quite a few here that know more then i do . and when you guys compare people that dont know as much as you guys , as just casual quake3 "dudes" then people get offended to say the least . like Gerard
said , he hasnt come across any resistence towards his posts about things he's pointed out because he hasnt been put in the position to defend his knowledge . also , in my opinion , you guys came into this forum way too aggresive , and when you do that , you ofcourse are going to get a little resistence for a while . i'd say dont get too defensive about what you would like to point out in the game and go ahead and flood this forum with what you want to talk about , and hopefully there will be something in one of your posts that i can argue without hesitation in all good fun .

[This message has been edited by Polaris (edited July 16, 2001).]
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-Waffenampt- is Offline
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Default 07-16-2001, 09:18 AM


"and when you guys compare people that dont know as much as you guys , as just casual quake3 "dudes" then people get offended to say the least"

This is the manner many represent themselves, at least in my opinion. There is alot of claiming they think WWII is great and interesting, and then turn around and say something bogus and quake threeish.

I Am a amature historian. Not a human behavior student.
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Kraut Killer is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 12:47 AM

What the shit is wrong with being put in the same sentence as me?

I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?
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Kraut Killer is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 01:05 AM

First off, I fancy myself as knowing a good amount of WWII information. HOWEVER... there are some things which are just too picky. I never argue with historical fact, if youse guys see a problem in something I posted and correct it, I won't complain, BUT, if I go into one of your posts and say how you're being too anally retentive, you should understand that, like your input to me, I'm just trying to help. Like with the muzzle flash, I put in my nine million roobles(sp?) because it's not a big deal and I'm just saying to let it go. Why continue with futility, they'll put in whatever muzzle flash they want. AND SECONDLY... I have a lot of time on my hands, my time isn't at all precious, so I like wasting it pointing out minute details in your posts just as I'm sure you love doing in others.

I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?
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Polaris is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 01:45 AM

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Bürgen is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 01:47 AM


We don't, and can't, use live ammunition at re-enactments because we re-enact battles. Which means that we shoot at people! If we used live ammo, our membership numbers would drop, now wouldn't they.


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Bürgen is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 01:52 AM


We post our little nit-picks in the 'Board of Developers' Forum because we want 2015 to see them, they are not meant to be for your enjoyment/displeasure. If they were we'd post them in the 'general' forum. yes, you are welcome to embrace or critique our posts but don't expect us to not hold up our original thoughts if you start calling us anal retentive freaks.


"Victory at any Price!"

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Hans is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 02:02 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kraut Killer:
What the shit is wrong with being put in the same sentence as me?


Because you said you found it annoying, I did not. I did not say the same things as you, there for I do no want to be included in a message that refers to what you said. I would like to have a message directed at ME, for what I said, not a message directed at US for what YOU said.
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elmagoo is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 02:11 AM

heheh, sheese, I sense another 300+ post here over something that everybody is going to take the wrong way, so I'll add my 2 cents .

We really dig that there are people that can point out the flaws in the game from a historic / accuracy perspective. We've done a ton of research, but alas, there's SO much to WWII that it's really hard to cover it all. Plus with all the little things that went on in the war (details like units customizing their armor with ad-hoc inventions, customizing paint schemes in the field, etc...), you're bound to get a slightly different perspective on everything because it was all out there. It's great because our 2D and 3D artists are dedicated to the visuals of the game. If it's a visual flaw that we can make more accurate given the time and resources and limitaions that we have to abide by, then we're glad to . What we don't like (as I've seen on this board from several people) is when we miss a detail, and someone goes and proclaims that this game is going to suck, it's going to be no fun, their not going for realism, blah blah blah, attack, attack, attack........etc.... That's when we have an issue. We are trying our damndest to make this the best balance of accuracy, and fun gameplay, given the universe we are set in (the Medal of Honor, existing universe set it WWII that is). To say such things like because we are 'NOT ALLOWED' to have blood is going to make this a kids game, and that we're not really trying because a Panzer Grenadiers uniform is missing a stripe, is fairly upsetting and unfair.

I can totally see Waff's and Burgen's point of view, as well as others. I think all they are saying is that when they point out an inaccuracy, they do so in the hopes that we might be able to fix it. To attack them for doing so really isn't called for (and I've seen that happen on this board as well). I mean, if Waff posts something about.....say the MG42 model we have, and then someone posts something in retort like, "Sheese, you're so nit-picky, we don't care about such things, so just shut-up why don't ya!!!" That's really not necessary. He's just pointing out something that he'd like to see fixed, to attack him for that or say anything really negative about it isn't really called for. I mean, why say something like that when it's not even his point in posting the comment? Why even initiate the attack ya know? I mean if Waff came across like, "you guys suck, you can't even get this minor detail right you bunch of dickweeds, you don't know anything about WWII you morons!!!" Then I could see an attack warranted (because even I'd be saying something then p. But if he's just stating some factual information in an informative manner, he's not really doing anything wrong now is he? .

Also, something I wanted to mention about when flaws are pointed out, that some of them are done for gameplay and balance reasons. For example, the M1 Garand reload animation was mentioned as being a bit too quick. This is a really hard thing to balance when going for accuracy. The weapon reloads can't take an obscenely long amount of time because, quite frankly, it's a game . Trying to create the reload animations with something that is accurate, yet balanced from a gameplay perspective, is quite difficult. Conscessions have to be made on one end or the other, and most of the time it's in favor of gameplay balance. Granted, that doesn't mean we're going to put in something totally wacky and unrealistic, but it's probably not going to be 100 % accurate all the time. For example, the Springfield .03 sniper rifle. In real life to reload the stripper clip, you'd have to remove the scope (or if the weapon is equiped, slide the scope forward) to allow for the clip to be postioned, slide the bullets into the gun off of the clip, and then slide the scope back into position. Most of the time they'd just reload the 5 rounds by hand. Now to do this 100% accurately, you'd have one hell of a long reload time for that gun after you've fired those 5 rounds (in either case of moving the scope, or reloading the rounds by hand). If there's one thing I hear complaining about in a game a lot is a long reload on a weapon. Granted, having a balanced reload for the power of the weapon is ok (such as the reload for a sniper rifle should take some time for balance), but to have it take an extremely long time (as it would if we did it 100% realistically), people would get upset. So we come up with a compromise of something that's along the lines of realism, looks real, but might have to fudge a factor or two for the sake of the timing (the sniper reload is in the gameplay video clips out there, and no-one has mentioned anything about it so far other than the timing on the bolt is off . So please mention the flaws because if we can fix them, or find a better way we will try (again, try being the key word here , but also keep this in mind if when you see the finished product, it didn't get changed .

Anyways, there goes another novel from myself, but just offering a different perspective on it

Latuh fuh U,

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JezusChr7st is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 02:36 AM

wow..... boxing match in this corner

well, why dont we try this again and get along

/me puts hand on table for various shakings

i agree with all of you, including bergen and waffy.

give us the great details, the minor shiat, the stuff no one else would notice, its great that you can point these out and have the knowledge to even know about them! thats great, but hey like they said stuff like that you cant possibly expect the rest of us to care about or comprehend.

to us as long as the gun fires and looks pretty decent, hey its all good.. but i can see where you are coming from... im a big computer nut, networks and all that...... so i get the same thing when someone starts talking to me about certain things.... i just dont see there side of it and only my side... with the knowledge.

so neways

you get the point

----Savour Since 1982----
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riesep is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 02:46 AM

haha, thanks elmagoo. Look that was your 100th post. Hans when you said "this is a free country, I can say anything I want to", is incorrect. Cuba is not a free country, it is a Communist state, so you can't say anything you want. Now I'm not quite sure you're from Cuba though. Elmagoo, why haven't you guys talked lately. You and the other developers haven't talked on this forum in more than a week I think. I appreciate you posting, but don't you got a game to make. What is 2015's deadline for getting the game done? Please tell us so we can know when you guys are going to be able to talk to us more often. Thx
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Von Paulus is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 03:57 AM

Waffen - In you "recreations" do you use live ammunition or blanks ? I ask because Burgen stated that blanks have alot more muzzle flash than live rounds... So shouldn't you start using live rounds (If you don't already) so you can fix up that minor flaw ?
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BallisticWookie is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 04:08 AM

Hmmm. Polaris said is best.. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>also, in my opinion, you guys came into this forum way too aggresive, and when you do that, you ofcourse are going to get a little resistence for a while.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We know you guys have a great knowledge of all things WW2 but dont act as though we are stupid as you have done so in the past, acting that way not only shows you have no respect for people that may not have as large a knowledge as you but it also shows to me that you are arrogant. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Why should this game be great for you and not for the people who really care about WWII?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is the most fucking ridiculous thing I've heard in my life, grow up. Who are you to say that another person doesnt "care" about WW2 as much you ? That as I said before is a clear indication of your arrogance and it's something I dont care for.

Just another question..why do you glorify war so much ?


Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.
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Hans is Offline
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Default 07-17-2001, 04:18 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by riesep:
haha, thanks elmagoo. Look that was your 100th post. Hans when you said "this is a free country, I can say anything I want to", is incorrect. Cuba is not a free country, it is a Communist state, so you can't say anything you want. Now I'm not quite sure you're from Cuba though. Elmagoo, why haven't you guys talked lately. You and the other developers haven't talked on this forum in more than a week I think. I appreciate you posting, but don't you got a game to make. What is 2015's deadline for getting the game done? Please tell us so we can know when you guys are going to be able to talk to us more often. Thx<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually that wasn't me that said that, I think it was Jezus, or KK, not sure.

Your right about Cuba though. But I have Castro's favor, so I can pretty much say what I want, or have you all shot, so don't screw with "ma athorita"!
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