We haven't posted much because we're down to the wire and trying to get this puppy done

. Things are looking good so far, the final AI is coming together more, animation scripts are being made to give them more personality, levels are starting to get fully populated, etc.... So it's getting exciting for us seeing the project start to come together as a whole

. Hence if we're abscent more, that's why. We still try to check the posts a bit when we can, but there are so many now it's really hard to check them all when you've missed a few days. So I usually come back and check like the top 10 or so.
As for the Omaha beach / multiplayer thing, we don't really know for sure yet about all the multiplayer maps. That's going to involve a lot of testing to see what the net stuff can handle.
Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers