I was watching the game last night, but I had to go to work. I missed all the action but I watched it this morning on Sports Center. Pretty wild stuff. Beer + Sports= good times! Check out the punch from Jermaine O'Neal. He brought that one all the way from Indy! rock:
F*cking Sad . millionaires fighting fans , i hope someday one of these thugs NBA players get a pistol shoved his in face , real basketball died when bird , magic , jordan retired , these punks today dont care about teamwork. F*cking spoiled pricks , i dont need my kid watching that crap on tv.
bullshit, those fans are fucked up. you dont throw shit and garbage at people. that fucker got what he deserved, twice. fat piece of shit is one dumb ass for thinking he can take out an NBA player. why are people pissed off at the players? just cause you get paid alot of money to play ball doesnt mean you owe punk ass fan sluts anything, including to sit by and get pelted by bottles. anyone got the footage of that chump pistons fan getting laid out?