I prefer to play the AXIS, I like the guns, and laugh when they talk...hahaha..but when I join a server I always hit Auto Select, just to help even the teams.
Like rude and every one else is saying, i choose the team that has fewer players. If the teams are even, I'd have to choose AXIS. I love the mg and the rifle with CKR. I think the allies mg has a really slow firing rate (axis mg is just as accurate at short bursts) and the allies smg is a piece of junk accuracy wise.
unless the axis are really outnumbered or I want to practice with the Mauser.
For me the Supergewehr is too easy on CKR, it's always fun when the "good" axis players are made to join allies and they suck because they don't got supergewehr, or when I pick one up and kill the axis because it's really the gun that's good, not the guy on the end of it :lol:
it doesn't really matter for me, allies i like the M1 and BAR, sometimes thompson, axis i like MP40 and KAR. i join whichever team has fewer players or whichever team has the lowest score, if axis have a few more but are still down by 30 i'll join axis.
When I'm just playing for fun/practice, I do auto select so the teams are even. But when I'm playing for ||-ITF-||, I play as axis because that's what we usually are.
I tend to play Axis, I like to snipe. I figure I'm bad enough play that I really don't throw the teams off. I figure, if anything I'm helping some allie build up his kill count.
never could figure out how anyone hits anything with the springfield, used to be a decent sniper with it in base but the fire delay seems to be a bit bad for my coordination and i can't find a scope i like with it