Originally Posted by Machette
Schindlers list.
[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/24/books/24schi.html?ex=1103086800&en=c4ddfa958d138bc3&ei=5 070&oref=login&oref=regi:3d1d3]You might need to register to read the whole article. I could PM the whole thing to you if you're interested.[/url:3d1d3]
Originally Posted by "David M. Crowe":3d1d3
"An authoritative new biography of Oskar Schindler, the German businessman who saved more than 1,000 Jews from the Nazis, clashes sharply with his idealized portrayal in the Oscar-winning 1993 Steven Spielberg movie "Schindler's List" and the 1982 historical novel by Thomas Keneally that inspired it. The Schindler who emerges in this latest account - based on interviews with Holocaust survivors and newly discovered papers, including letters stored in a suitcase by a mistress - is far more flawed than the one depicted in the movie and novel. Even so, scholars say, the fresh revelations about Schindler's darker side cast his moral transformation and heroism into starker relief.
To begin with, there was no Schindler's List."
gg Hollywood, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. oOo:[/quote:3d1d3]
LOL biggrin:[/quote:3d1d3]
... this made me think of something i came across last night.
A few years ago, A jewish historian named
David Cole made this documentary proving there
were no gas chambers and the 6 million figure
is all a lie. You watch it and be the judge I
guess. Since he made it, he's been under fire
from pro-jewish groups and recanted his statements,
but only due to pressure. [/code:3d1d3]
... i tried to google for more info but most of the links are to "white power" pages.