Hey guys, I like the fact that your not going against me, but say something has happened, death or wut not, all were doing is casuing more grief or anger for him, can we let up a lil bit? thanks.
Hey guys, I like the fact that your not going against me, but say something has happened, death or wut not, all were doing is casuing more grief or anger for him, can we let up a lil bit? thanks.
there is no proof that happened tho. anyway, u get over things in time.
i know this has been asked before, but when is vietnam planned to be released? and are you gonna make seperate weapons downloadable, if you dont want the mod, but a weapon in the mod?
well it was supposed to be this month but i dont see that happening i say about the same mid november at the latest. i wont be release the weapons seperately but im sure someone will do that a little after the release.
well it was supposed to be this month but i dont see that happening i say about the same mid november at the latest. i wont be release the weapons seperately but im sure someone will do that a little after the release.
damn those mohfiles.com noobs calling people's work their own... cuss: