Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
12-15-2004, 01:19 PM
It was better then people make it out to be, no it isn't as entertaining as the first one and the cinematography is shaky at times because Soderbergh wanted a different look for this film. The setting is in Europe this time, and thus he went for a more artistic feel by using wide looping shots and using obscure angles to show the audience that the characters are not in a familiar setting.
If you think the film looked shaky, look at that piece of shit film Traffic that Soderbergh directed. I couldn't even sit through the whole thing.
I thought Ocean's 12 was clever enough to keep the audience on thier feet and also amusing enough to keep us laughing. The combination of the two made for an interesting movie, well interesting enough to not bore us to death with cliche-ridden action and dialogue sequences. It is still a generic film, Ocean's 11 was a generic heist movie but it was still fun and interesting.
The sequel doesn't take heist movies to a new level or even stay on the same level as the first film, but it does rank up there with some of the good con genre movies. And that's what this movie basically is, it's a con genre film.