Head Up 1025: are you high? rep1 A yer: oh hell yea Head Up 1025: hahahahaHAHAHaahaha me too rep1 A yer: hahahahahaahaHA Head Up 1025: aAAAAAAAAAAHAHhahahahahahaha
ontopic: never played it. heard it was great though.
I played it on very easy: not because I suck but rather because I'm mainly
interested in the story of big boss.
PS. Oh ok, it's cuz I suck.
PPS. Sokolov was right, America is a scary country.
PPPS. Am I the only one amused by Big Boss totally ignoring METAL GEAR, a truly powerful weapon, for the primitive shagohod ? Why didn't he even mention it to the higher ups during debriefing ?
[quote:9a8af]PPPS. Am I the only one amused by Big Boss totally ignoring METAL GEAR, a truly powerful weapon, for the primitive shagohod ? Why didn't he even mention it to the higher ups during debriefing ? [/quote:9a8af]
Did they purposely name it to sound like a jungle setting porn flic?
Yes, In fact this was going to be an adults only game where big boss get's captured early on in the game and the only way to escape is by seeing how many "snakes" the player can eat...
I never did get into the MGS series. Mainly because i didn't have a playstation and still dont own a ps2. But is it true that this is gonna be the last game in the series?