Hi guys here's a small update on my progress freak:
I'm working on a map based on the battle for Pantelleria, the prelude for the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943.
Also added a plane selection 'menu' so you can choose your fav plane

, so far I have a flyable p-47 for allies and the fw190 and stuka for axis... hopefully will be able to add the p-38, spitfire and bf-109 to that list soon.
Anyway let's go to the pics:
Plane selection menu
Bombs away!
Weapons layout is fully customizable from script, and you can have several combinations on a per-map basis... for example you can put a stuka g2 tank buster together:
Thanks Psykotic_chiken for the breath-taking G2 model beer:
This is my personal fav plane angel: hehe
(only for demonstration purposes

Finally this is where you'll be unleashing the stukas at, lots of allied boats reaching for the shore.