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What can be improved in multi mohaa
geRV is Offline
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Default What can be improved in multi mohaa - 08-14-2002, 08:14 AM

WHat can be improved in MOHAA

1. PRONE POSITION: We bitched and moaned when we hard this wasn't gonna be included but i hope to god either someone can mod it in or its added in the expansion pack. The prone position was used extensively in ww2 as it made you harder to hit obviously since you were close to the ground, it also has other uses which i will explain later.

2. DEPLOYABLE MG'S: Again we moaned and bitched whenever we discovered the mg's were just daft turrets sitting in a useless position somewhere on the map. MG's played a VITAL role in squad based tactics in ww2 and need added to the game. Knowing ea though adding these would mean making better models and animations so i very much doubt they will go to that much trouble.

3. BALANCED WEAPONS: Go into any aa server and in a team of 10 you wil normally fin about 3 sniping and the rest of a team is usually a tossup between mg whores and rocket bitches. The garand and the mauser are a joke in aa multiplayer.

The garand was the weapon that according to the americans won ww2 (cough BS cough) even though i don;t agree with that assumption it was a very good rifle and in aa multiplay its basically a joke as is the kar 98k. Weapons need balanced against each other, im sick of running into gheyzors with their little lame ass STG or BAR every other round. If the weapons were at all realistic we would see more people using smg's and rifles but this isn;t the case.

4. PROPER FIRING TECHNIQUE: Another problem with aa is that people seem to be able to happily trot along with their BAR or STG and basically mow people down. NEWSFLASH running along with a weapon like that and firing will make it inaccurate as hell. You take into account body movement and recoil and the gun should be basically spraying everywhere and not directly at the target. Even the realism mod doesn't fix this so if the prone is added i propose the following.

Standing: Good accuracey but still heavy recoil

Crouching: Better accuracey and less recoil

Prone: Best accuracey near non existent recoil.

5: MOVEMENT SPEED: Take a look at your multiplayer character model, what do you see? I see a guy standing there in just a uniform and a helmet with a weapoon. If this is the case why does he move like a 90- year old geriatric with arthritis with 2 dobermen humping each leg?

I can understand slow movement if IF they had a pack on their backs along with full equipment butin mp the models are basically striped down to the bare essentials COMBAT READY and yet they still get outpaced by a snail with "go faster" stripes on its shell.

The movement speed should be based on basically the factor of what weapons you are using.

Rifle (snipers included) = Fast
Shotgun= Medium
SMG= Medium
BAR= Slow
Bazooka = God damn that fucking snails lapping me

Someone should take a look at the speed of the dod gameplay and try to duplicate it. I should also suggest to EA that they reanimate the character movement animations in multi as im tired of seeing players look as theough theiyre moonwalking and sliding along the ground.

Rant over


Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 08-14-2002, 08:48 AM

completely true and the reason why snipers are so damned annoying is because in this game unlike others the recticule is COMPLETELY STABLE it never moves meaning that if you got ur recticule on the tip of there head they are dead meat. how dumb is that if you play a game such as Operation flashpoint you cant pull of thoose hair pin shots. sniping is much harder and fewer guys do it. and if you want to use anti tank you have to whip it out aim it carefully and shoot you just cant put the recticule near someone and blow them away. all weapons are balanced in that game that was a really realistic game.
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Sicilian_Summers is Offline
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Default 08-14-2002, 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by mikesnacki
completely true and the reason why snipers are so damned annoying is because in this game unlike others the recticule is COMPLETELY STABLE it never moves meaning that if you got ur recticule on the tip of there head they are dead meat. how dumb is that if you play a game such as Operation flashpoint you cant pull of thoose hair pin shots. sniping is much harder and fewer guys do it. and if you want to use anti tank you have to whip it out aim it carefully and shoot you just cant put the recticule near someone and blow them away. all weapons are balanced in that game that was a really realistic game.
your just upset because i sniped you about 10 times in remagen the other day jk...but its true. the sniper rifles are WAY to easy to use. they need some sort of a sway...random scope jitter, not that figure 8 BS like in RTCW. sadly gerard, hardly any of these things will be included. its just basically going to stay WWII deathmatch all the way. unless some good TC mod can bring this along the lines of DoD rather then Quake3
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Default 08-14-2002, 09:18 AM

You should be able to lay down!
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Default 08-14-2002, 09:29 AM

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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 08-14-2002, 09:49 AM

and knives and sicilian i noticed that figure 8 stuff on RTCW. play ofp its a great game i got tired of it though
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Re: What can be improved in multi mohaa
BallisticWookie is Offline
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Default Re: What can be improved in multi mohaa - 08-14-2002, 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by Gerard
WHat can be improved in MOHAA

1. PRONE POSITION: We bitched and moaned when we hard this wasn't gonna be included but i hope to god either someone can mod it in or its added in the expansion pack. The prone position was used extensively in ww2 as it made you harder to hit obviously since you were close to the ground, it also has other uses which i will explain later.

2. DEPLOYABLE MG'S: Again we moaned and bitched whenever we discovered the mg's were just daft turrets sitting in a useless position somewhere on the map. MG's played a VITAL role in squad based tactics in ww2 and need added to the game. Knowing ea though adding these would mean making better models and animations so i very much doubt they will go to that much trouble.

3. BALANCED WEAPONS: Go into any aa server and in a team of 10 you wil normally fin about 3 sniping and the rest of a team is usually a tossup between mg whores and rocket bitches. The garand and the mauser are a joke in aa multiplayer.

The garand was the weapon that according to the americans won ww2 (cough BS cough) even though i don;t agree with that assumption it was a very good rifle and in aa multiplay its basically a joke as is the kar 98k. Weapons need balanced against each other, im sick of running into gheyzors with their little lame ass STG or BAR every other round. If the weapons were at all realistic we would see more people using smg's and rifles but this isn;t the case.

4. PROPER FIRING TECHNIQUE: Another problem with aa is that people seem to be able to happily trot along with their BAR or STG and basically mow people down. NEWSFLASH running along with a weapon like that and firing will make it inaccurate as hell. You take into account body movement and recoil and the gun should be basically spraying everywhere and not directly at the target. Even the realism mod doesn't fix this so if the prone is added i propose the following.

Standing: Good accuracey but still heavy recoil

Crouching: Better accuracey and less recoil

Prone: Best accuracey near non existent recoil.

5: MOVEMENT SPEED: Take a look at your multiplayer character model, what do you see? I see a guy standing there in just a uniform and a helmet with a weapoon. If this is the case why does he move like a 90- year old geriatric with arthritis with 2 dobermen humping each leg?

I can understand slow movement if IF they had a pack on their backs along with full equipment butin mp the models are basically striped down to the bare essentials COMBAT READY and yet they still get outpaced by a snail with "go faster" stripes on its shell.

The movement speed should be based on basically the factor of what weapons you are using.

Rifle (snipers included) = Fast
Shotgun= Medium
SMG= Medium
BAR= Slow
Bazooka = God damn that fucking snails lapping me

Someone should take a look at the speed of the dod gameplay and try to duplicate it. I should also suggest to EA that they reanimate the character movement animations in multi as im tired of seeing players look as theough theiyre moonwalking and sliding along the ground.

Rant over

What he said
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ToK Parker is Offline
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Default prone... - 08-14-2002, 09:57 AM

[quote:6daa7]1. PRONE POSITION: We bitched and moaned when we hard this wasn't gonna be included but i hope to god either someone can mod it in or its added in the expansion pack. The prone position was used extensively in ww2 as it made you harder to hit obviously since you were close to the ground, it also has other uses which i will explain later. [/quote:6daa7]
I agree, but you know, all games I play I've never had such a luxury

I think EA should make maps that you can get vehicles on, not having to download that map Tank Battle. Everytime I go into a server with that running I get kicked out.

I also think that EA should make a flak gun that doesn't take rocket rounds just because it's hard enough to hit people with it, or you have to get off the gun, pick up a flak round and go back on it, wait for it to load and fire. The maps I've played with a working flak are fun but the flak is totally useless (unless in tank battle).

As far as recoil goes, too much recoil in a game just makes it bad, but you know it is pretty shitty when you're in Stalingrad and you're peeking out from a wal or window and a StG44er on the other side of the level mows you down...

I also think there should be a choice of weapon for 6 nades and oss hi standard pistol otherwise you get three nades and whatever you picked.

I think EA should make some more obj maps, (I know there are custom ones but sometimes those are too damn glitchy) because sometimes those get boring. I'm not really a fan of dm games, they really aren't too great...

Well anyway I have many complaints about this game but I still play it :)
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Re: prone...
geRV is Offline
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Default Re: prone... - 08-14-2002, 10:00 AM

[quote="ToK Parker":5d8b5][quote:5d8b5]1. PRONE POSITION: We bitched and moaned when we hard this
As far as recoil goes, too much recoil in a game just makes it bad, but you know it is pretty shitty when you're in Stalingrad and you're peeking out from a wal or window and a StG44er on the other side of the level mows you down...


U think thats bad, i got sniped by some complete BASTARD with a tommygun the other night. We were on that bridge map and i was hiding in the upper window area of the church, some little shit was around the water area and fired 1 round and it got me right in the nut and killed me outright.

In real life theres no way the bullet woulda went flying with that accuracey, tommygun was only accurate up to 70 yards or so.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 08-14-2002, 11:19 AM

CS I really love the best. But I love WW2 games, but MoH is my top pick
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SW-14 is Offline
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Default 08-14-2002, 11:28 AM

I think they should make some sort of "bullet delay" so that the shots aren't instant.
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Sicilian_Summers is Offline
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Default 08-14-2002, 11:39 AM

over distance yes, maybe at range sniper bullets drop?
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Oh I just remembered
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Default Oh I just remembered - 08-14-2002, 02:20 PM

So why couldn't they add
1. A roll so if you're out in the open and you know you're going to be sniped you can roll at the last minute and dodge it.

2. The sacrifice- Come on, if someone throws a nade and two people who are better than you can't get away you gotta be able to smother that nade.
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Default 08-14-2002, 02:23 PM

That would be cool, also, the ability to pick up grenades and throw them back would be nice.
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Default 08-14-2002, 04:58 PM

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