08-14-2002, 02:15 PM
hmmm, i dont have that one. I think it may be the blood mod I have, everything else was pretty much put in after the problem started. I took out all the mods and maps except for the weapon skin mods and the problem went away. Also, can a mod for one weapon skin affect another mod for another weapon from working? I got these new weapon skins, but they dont work. The only other thing in there is a scope for my German sniper.
This is a list of the mods I have active:
user-ak_thompsonsmg_us.pk3 (thompson skin, doesnt work)
user-Bruni_Desert_Eagle_P38.pk3 (p38 skin, doesnt work)
user-capt.kick your ass's allied grenade.pk3 (allied grenade skin, doesnt work)
User-GrandmasterAxis5.pk3 (scope for german sniper rifle, works)
User-ReverendTed-Gold45.pk3 (colt skin, doesnt work)